Announcing the Canadian Dupuytren Society Annual Research Award
The Canadian Dupuytren Society is pleased to announce the commencement of our Annual Research Award - The Canadian Dupuytren Award.
The Canadian Dupuytren Award
The Canadian Dupuytren Award recognizes exceptional Canada based scientific publications on research and/or clinical treatment of Dupuytren and/or Ledderhose disease.
Research can be about treatment, epidemiology, pathogenesis, genomics, or other areas, like anatomy, improving the understanding and treatment of these diseases. The award is sponsored by the Canadian Dupuytren Society and is awarded on an annual basis.
The Award provides a monetary award of $ 2,000.
Who can participate?
The publication must be an original research paper, Canada based, that has been published in a peer reviewed journal or book and that has not yet been awarded elsewhere.
The Award will normally be given to the leading (first) author but, upon request, the award money can be split. Applicants can be physicians or scientists. Please submit only one paper per leading author, not several. We recommend submitting the paper that you consider presenting the most outstanding new research or clinical aspects.
Who will determine the recipient of the award?
The award recipient will be selected by a committee comprised of members of the Medical Advisory Board and the Board of Directors of the Canadian Dupuytren Society. The recipient will be announced at the annual general meeting of members of the Canadian Dupuytren Society or at another event selected by the Medical Advisory Board. The Canadian Dupuytren Award will be awarded annually but the Medical Advisory Board may determine to waive and/or modify the Award if the submitted publications for that year do not meet the criteria.
Deadline for submission
The award in a specific year is given for a paper that was published in the previous year. It is proposed the initial award will be given in 2024 for publications made in 2023.
Please submit applications for the 2024 Award (i.e., your paper published in 2023) by March 1, 2024, including:
- the submitted paper should be in English or French.
- curriculum vitae of the author(s). Usually, the CV of the first author is sufficient but if you intend to split the award, please submit CVs of all related authors
Where to submit your application?
Please email your application to Paule Gauthier at